These four toolkits were all produced as part of the Welcome to the UK project which was funded through the EU European Integration Fund.
Preparing for life in the UK – toolkit
A materials toolkit for providers working outside the EU with adult ESOL participants who are planning to settle in the UK. Sections of the toolkit have been made authorable so that tutors an adapt it better suit their teaching and learning contexts.
Welcome to the UK – toolkit.
A materials toolkit to support integration for providers working with adult ESOL new arrivals in the UK. Sections of this toolkit have also been made authorable so that tutors an adapt it better suit their teaching and learning contexts.
Welcome to the UK – befriender training toolkit.
A toolkit designed to support providers in running a befriender training programme for volunteers providing informal support to women newly arrived in the UK.
Welcome to the UK – resources pack.
A resources pack to complement activities from the above three toolkits.