Have a look at the range of Family Learning courses that we offer. If you are interested in Family Learning workshops, you can find that list here.
Best Start for Babies
Best Start for Boys
Best Start for Nursery
Best Start for School
Best Start for Toddlers
Creative Parents
ESOL for Parents
Family French
Family Literacy (Functional English)
Family Maths (Functional Maths)
Family Skills
Getting Ready for Training and Work
Happy Parents, Happy Families
Health at Home
Healthy Families
Helping my Child with Maths
Helping my Child with Reading / Writing
Kids UK
Love Learning About Money Together
Number Fun
Play Out! (for parents and children)
Play Out! (for parents)
Shop, Cook, Eat
Smile, Sleep and Self-confidence
Story Sacks
Supporting my Bilingual Child
Supporting my Child’s Learning
Taking Time to Talk Together

Best Start for Babies

Best Start for Boys
For parents of boys, this course looks at both myths and facts about boy children and seeks to create a greater understanding of their specific needs. The course aims to support parents in developing strategies for engaging boys in ways that suit each individual. For example, parents have the opportunity to make a literacy toolbelt for their sons.

Best Start for Nursery
This course is for parents of children soon to start nursery who would like to develop their understanding of pre-school education in England and help prepare their child for the transition from home to nursery. The course includes preparing a child for nursery, choosing a nursery , and the role of the parent in supporting a child’s pre-school education.

Best Start for School
This practical course is for parents of children soon to start school who would like to develop their understanding of the English education system. Topics covered include choosing a school, the national curriculum and the role of the parent in supporting a child’s education.

Best Start for Toddlers
For parents of 1-3 year-olds, this thought-provoking course includes social, emotional, cognitive and physical development, learning through play, language development (including the importance of bilingualism), behaviour management, healthy eating, choosing childcare and nursery provision and other topics selected by parents.

Creative Parents
This hands-on course provides parents with time to enjoy developing their creative skills by making learning resources to support their children’s development. Parents can reflect on the value of learning through play and courses can be designed to provide parents with the opportunity to use their home languages.

ESOL for Parents
This popular course enable parents to improve their English (ESOL) using a wide range of meaningful and relevant topics and contexts. Sessions can be delivered at a range of levels from absolute beginners to intermediate or differentiated for mixed ability groups. Course lengths are negotiable and courses can also be accredited.

Family French
The Family French courses are run by native French speakers and are aimed at family groups including toddlers to primary school aged children. Through games, songs and interactive activities, families are supported in developing some basic French conversation skills together.

Family Literacy (Functional English)
This popular course provides parents with the opportunity to work on improving their reading and writing skills. The course can be adapted to suit the levels and interests of the group and will aim to build learners’ confidence in reading and writing for a variety of purposes. Participants will also have the chance to take a Functional English qualification at an appropriate level.

Family Maths (Functional Maths)
This course offers parents the opportunity to improve their own maths and to take a Functional Maths qualification if appropriate. The course allows parents to become more confident in using maths in all aspects of their lives leading to improved employability and the ability to support their children’s learning.

Family Skills
Especially suitable for bilingual families, this course offers a variety of practical and engaging activities that help parents understand how literacy is taught in schools and how they can support their children at home. It looks at the advantages of bilingualism, the value of storytelling and sharing books, and how phonics is taught in schools.

Getting Ready for Training and Work
Offers EAL parents the opportunity to develop their skills in English and confidence, at the same time as covering topics relating to identifying training and work opportunities, getting and understanding further information and application criteria, making applications, developing CVs and practising for interviews.

Happy Parents, Happy Families
This is an engaging course which specifically addresses the causes of parental stress and its impact on both children and the family as a whole. Learners learn about stress triggers and explore coping strategies and sources of support.

Health at Home
This fun, practical course will explore ways in which families can learn about health together through intergenerational discussion and activities. Learn to tell health facts from myths and misinformation and get tips to stay safe online and improve your family’s physical and mental health and well-being.

Healthy Families
This hands-on course aims to enable learners to access health information and reflect critically on the information they are presented with. During the course, participants have the opportunity to explore a wide range of topics including healthy eating, reading and understanding food labels, the importance of exercise, common childhood illnesses and emotional well-being.

Helping my Child with Maths
This useful course is aimed at parents and carers of children at nursery or primary school who would like to help their child with mathematics. Parents learn about the methods that are used to teach children maths in British schools. They also have the opportunity to makes games and resources and try out numeracy activities to have fun using with their children at home. Participants are also given support with their own maths skills and we can offer the opportunity to take accreditation in mathematics.

Helping my Child with Reading / Writing
These practical courses are aimed at parents of nursery and primary school children who would like to develop their understanding of how children learn to read and write, how they are taught to read and write and what the parent’s role is within that. The course can be tailored to focus on either reading or writing or longer courses can consider both skills.

Kids UK
For parents who have either recently arrived in the UK with young children or new parents who arrived in the UK before having children, this popular course looks at the ‘culture’ of childcare in the UK and how to support your children within it. Topics covered include behaviour and discipline, child-centred approaches to teaching, the role of parents in children’s education and the importance of early childhood bilingualism.

Love Learning About Money Together
This course is designed to support parents/carers to teach their children under the age of 7 about money, through discussions, activities and games. The course will include activities to help you plan and involve your children in managing and saving money and ways of making memories without spending money. Parents will also be provided with home learning extension activities and information signposts.

Number Fun
This is a practical and creative course for parents. Participants will make a range of number-based games and activities to play with their children, in order to help them improve their number skills while having fun. Parents will gain an understanding of how children learn through play and how maths can play a part in everyday activities.

Play Out! (for parents and children)
Play Out can be delivered as an intergenerational course if centres have a suitable outdoor space. Parents and children will discover ways of playing outside in all weathers, exploring nature and learning together outside. Parents will learn how this can support their child’s development whilst everyone has fun together in the fresh air.

Play Out! (for parents)
This is a fun course focusing on safe, outdoor play opportunities for the family. It aims to give parents and carers ideas for encouraging outdoor play and activities to do outside. Participants will also find out about their local area and local outdoor venues to take their families to.

Shop, Cook, Eat
Designed to enable parents/carers to make healthy choices when shopping and cooking on a budget, this course also helps them to consider how a healthy diet can make a positive impact on their own and their family’s physical and emotional health and well-being. The course involves some food preparation, so kitchen facilities are needed.

Smile, Sleep and Self-confidence
A course where parents share and develop their ideas for positive discipline, strategies for managing stressful situations, building resilience in children, the importance of routines and sleep, understanding each other and the role of praise.

Story Sacks
This course is designed to support parents in understanding the value of play and stories in their children’s development. Parents will focus on a book to develop a range of fun activities to enhance the story.

Supporting my Bilingual Child
This very popular course is aimed at parents bringing up children in a bilingual environment, i.e. speaking one or more languages other than English at home. The course covers the advantages of being bilingual, research into bilingualism, strategies for encouraging childhood bilingualism, developing bilingual resources, and choosing schools that value bilingualism.

Supporting my Child’s Learning
Designed specifically for EAL parents of under-fives to enable them to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding to support their children’s cognitive development and learning opportunities.

Taking Time to Talk Together
Provides EAL parents with opportunity to develop their skills in English at the same time as covering topics relating to their child’s development with a particular focus on speech and language.
If you can’t see what you’re looking for on our menu, please do get in touch. We’ll be happy to discuss the best course to meet your needs. Use the button below to contact us to discuss what you would and how much it would cost.