This pan-European project, funded by Erasmus+ and led by Learning Unlimited, addressed financial literacy skills with a Family Learning approach from November 2020 to October 2022. It produced CPD for adult educators to enable them to deliver training to parents and carers and to facilitate the use of a suite of online resources developed to suit different age groups of children and young people. Find out more at:

Key project statistics
12 comic strips created exploring financial concepts, suitable for children aged 6-12.
6 online Escape Rooms designed , suitable for young people aged 13-18
Mobile app designed and produced for 19–25-year-olds to support financial literacy concepts, provide links to advice and support sites, and a budget planner.
Spectrum Research Centre (Ireland)
Innovade (Cyprus)
Rightchallenge (Portugal)
Co&So (Italy)
Symplexis (Greece)