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TELLs course overview

An online self-access professional development course for ESOL practitioners – available now at just £50.

Course outline

This comprehensive course is 100% self-directed online learning and can be accessed at any time during the twelve-week period you enrol for. There are four substantial content sections (totalling 30 hours), which you can work through at your own pace, plus a final resources section:

Section 1: Learners, literacies and language
Section 2: Literacies in context
Section 3: Key approaches and techniques
Section 4: Diversities
Section 5: Literacy resources and websites

Each content section consists of a number of units which are sub-divided into a series of topics and quizzes, with recommended additional reading and other resources.

As you navigate through the units, you work through the topics and video content, and undertake tasks and quizzes at your own pace.

Additional optional tutor-led webinars will be periodically offered to provide you with an opportunity to discuss key themes and topics, and to share feedback and experiences with colleagues.

Who is the course designed for?

The TELLs course is aimed at all those teaching, working with, or supporting ESOL learners who have no or very limited literacy skills (in any language).  It is ideal for those who have taken an initial TEFL/TESOL training course which, although it may have covered many aspects of teaching and learning English, did not include a focus on the acquisition and development of initial literacy. You will gain confidence, knowledge and the skills you need to help you teach this specialised area.

Aims of the course

  • develop awareness of some of the key issues, challenges and opportunities in teaching ESOL literacy learners
  • develop understanding of literacy acquisition and learner diversity
  • analyse the development of reading and writing practices in a changing world
  • develop knowledge of language/literacy teaching and learning approaches
  • develop understanding of multiliteracies, including digital literacies
  • raise awareness of appropriate methodologies, approaches and resources
  • gain understanding of approaches to assessment and planning for ESOL literacy learners

Options and extras

The online course can be supplemented and supported by additional learning options

Tutor-led webinars providing an opportunity to discuss key themes and topics, and to share feedback and experiences with colleagues.

These cost £20 each for enrolled course participants – contact Ian Foster to book these discounted places.
The webinars are also available to non-enrolled participants at £25, who will receive a 10% discount code for the TELLs course after booking using the links above.

Full terms and conditions for the TELLs course can be read here.
